▼唸声の気になる映像/アノニマス、セタスへ宣戦布告 「仲間を返さないと協力者をばらす」

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Anonymous from Veracruz, Mexico, and the world, we want you to know that a member has been kidnapped when he was doing Paperstorm in our city.

We demand his release. We want the army and the navy to know that we are fed up with the criminal group Zetas, who have concentrated on kidnapping, stealing and blackmailing in different ways. One of them is charging every honest and hardworking citizen of Veracruz who busts their rears working day after day to feed their families.


We are fed up with taxi drivers, commanders and "police-zetas" officers of Xalapa, Córdoba, Orizaba, Nogales, Río Blanco and Camerinos... who are chickens and have made themselves the most loyal servants of these assholes.

For the time being, we will not post photos or the names ... of the taxi drivers, the journalists or the newspapers nor of the police officers, but if needed, we will publish them including their addresses, to see if by doing so the government will arrest them.


We cannot defend ourselves with a weapon, but if we can do this with their cars, houses, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession. It will not be difficult. We all know who they are and where they are.

You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him. And if anything happens to him, you will always remember this upcoming November 5th . Knowledge is free.

We are Anonymous.

We are legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.


wait and see.









セタスが屈すれば、アノニマスは一躍英雄となるが・・・。セタスに協力している警察・軍関係者が今、一番恐怖を味わっている。セタスがアノニマスの仲間を釈放するとは思えない。となれば、警察と軍で徹底的にセタスを叩くしかない。さて、どうなる。Wait and Seeだな。





トラックバックURL: http://gakugo.net/unarigoe/mt-tb.cgi/1520





このページは、唸声が2011年11月 1日 19:22に書いたブログ記事です。




月別 アーカイブ